Refer Your Family & Friends to the Best Agents all over the World and get paid Top dollar as a Referral Fee. We can refer to your Agents too.
All of our 1,000+ Active Park Place Realty Network Agents are able to work our program from home.

Pay $0 to the Board of Realtors or the MLS.
Earn 90% with No hidden Transaction Fees.
Personal Lead Capturing Website, Free.
Activate Your Real Estate License with the Leading Real Estate Referral Company and start earning a portion of the Real Estate Commission, off of ALL types of Real Estate Transactions, ALL over the World!

To receive a Free sign-up packet, please fill out the form.

Make Thousands by Connecting Your Clients with Only the Best Real Estate Agents.
Specializing in International Real Estate Referrals | Residential & Commercial
Place your license and referrals with a company you can trust. Park Place Realty Network has proudly been in business for over 15 years, backed by 75+ combined years of broker experience and support. Since 2010, we’ve successfully managed thousands of referral transactions. The real estate industry can be complex, but we are committed to advocating for you and the referrals you entrust to us. One of our licensed brokers is available to assist you directly, Monday through Friday during business hours.