Specializing in International Real Estate Referrals | Residential & Commercial
How does this work?
Park Place Realty Network is not a member of the Realtor/MLS Associations. You do not need to be a Realtor/MLS member to be Active with us. Typical fees to be a Realtor/MLS member are normally $1,250+ Annually. This is how we are able to get around you being required to pay the Annual Realtor/MLS fees.
Most of our Agents work in another industry, live outside the state they're licensed, are retired, stay at home moms, or former full time Agents and do not have the time to focus on selling Real Estate full-time. But, they still want to earn Real Estate commissions with the license they worked so hard to get initially.

When a Park Place Agent has a family or friend looking to buy or sell any type of Real Estate, anywhere in the world, they notify us and we will then match their Referral with a Top full-time Agent in their market. This Top Agent will handle the entire transaction and their Company will pay a 25/30% Referral Fee depending on price once the transaction closes. (Get more information on how referrals work here) You will make 90% based on a 25% referral fee with no additional transaction fees.
If you have a Referral that would like to purchase New Construction, you can refer them directly to the builder and make double the referral fee. We would handle this transaction for you in-house. This only works within the State that you are licensed.
Lead Generating Webpage
We provide all new Park Place Agents with a Free lead generating website to promote themselves online and on social media. You can view a sample of what your webpage will look like here.

Why Park Place Realty Network? Here's 10 Reasons:
1. Our Agents make 90% based on a 25% referral fee. We can pay our agents quickly through ACH payment or mail. You'll also get paid your referral fee up to 365 days if you decide to leave our company vs the standard where Brokers keep your earned commissions once you leave their company.
2. Park Place can refer to ANY real estate company, large or small, ANYWHERE in the world, residential or commercial. We're not stuck to just one local company, a big corporation that keeps it in house only, or a "network" of mediocre Agents that pay to be there. We do the research and only work with the best companies & Agents with a proven sales record in each market. If you have an Agent that you prefer to use, we can work with them too. (See our FAQ's page for more details).
Watch our short one-minute video below:
3. Your own personal lead capturing webpage to promote yourself and capture referral leads. You can see what your referral webpage will look like here to capture referral leads worldwide. All leads get emailed directly to you. This webpage is Free to all new Park Place agents.
4. When dealing with new construction referrals, you have the opportunity to earn double the referral fee within the state that you are licensed. (See below for example). You will also get a Free new home search website that you can use to promote to your contacts. See an example of what it looks like here. This page can also be added to the Park Place webpage above in #3.
5. Park Place Agents get 40% off Continuing/Post License education, through our affiliation with a Top online real estate school throughout the U.S. You can also offer 40% off the full license course to all of your friends and family looking to get their real estate license, anywhere in the U.S.
6. Park Place Agents can refer ALL types of real estate sales Worldwide. Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Business Brokerage, New Construction & Property Managing. Get all the details here.
7. There are no sales quotas within our organization. You may send as many referrals as you like within the year, or not send any at all. Work this program at your own pace. We will also manage your license and will notify you when your renewal is due for the state.
8. Take advantage of the tax benefits by being active under our company. (See our Faq's page for more details).
9. Full Broker support. Our brokers are available to you, M-F, to answer any of your questions and to oversee your referral transactions from beginning to end. We are always here for you.
We can activate your Real Estate license if you have a license in the states of Florida, Georgia, or North Carolina.
10. Training & Marketing Guide Online. We show you how you can get referral business. If you are active with us, you can access your guide here.

Park Place Refers out:
*Get a list of estimates on what you can make under the FAQ's page of our website.
Three Steps to go Active Now:
Step 1. Sign our contract digitally here through your computer or smart phone.
Or, you can print out our contract by clicking here. Sign and return a copy of the contract to Park Place Realty Network LLC. You can email the signed copy to admin@parkplacenetwork.com, fax it to 407-878-0540, or mail it to: 2500 W. Lake Mary Blvd Suite 220, Lake Mary FL, 32746.
Step 2. Pay your annual $125 administration fee by credit card by clicking here, or send a check to the address above.
Step 3. Once we receive the signed contract and the administration fee, we will make you Active. There is no additional paperwork for you to complete concerning the State. We handle everything and transfer your license for you. You will be notified by us, typically the same day, that you have been made Active. That’s it!

Place your license and referrals with a company you can trust. Park Place Realty Network has proudly been in business for over 15 years, backed by 75+ combined years of broker experience and support. Since 2010, we’ve successfully managed thousands of referral transactions. The real estate industry can be complex, but we are committed to advocating for you and the referrals you entrust to us. One of our licensed brokers is available to assist you directly, Monday through Friday during business hours.