Activate your real estate license under Park Place Realty Network. When you know of someone looking to buy or sell residential or commercial real estate, anywhere in the world, we will connect them with a top agent in their market to handle everything for us. You would then make 22.5% of the total commission once the transaction closes. We can work with your agents too.
$500,000 sale price
X 3%= $15,000 total commission
X 22.5%= $3,375 your referral fee.
How simple is it to make money in referrals, really?
Below is a 3 step rundown to show you how simple it is to be a referral agent with Park Place. Many of our agents work in other industries, or are retired, and don’t have the time to focus on Real Estate anymore. They want to know this won’t take up a lot of their time and that they can still possibly make thousands of dollars a year with their Real Estate license.
Step 1.
Let’s say you live in California, you're licensed in Florida, and have family & friends who live in New York. You market yourself on Facebook with your Park Place website. A friend of yours sends you an email that they are looking to sell their home in New York. All you have to do is contact this referral, take down their full name, email, phone number, property address, and get as much information as you can. Let your referral know that your company, Park Place, will do the research and match them up with a top agent in their market that will get their home sold. If you have an agent you'd like to use, we can use them too.
Step 2.
At the top of this website page, under the members page, click “place a referral”, input all of your referral's info on our online form and hit send. This online form then gets emailed directly to our company email inbox with all the data. You will receive an email from us confirming that we received this form.
We take the data that you provided and will go through our database which shows us who all of the top Real Estate Agents are in your referrals market area, with recent closed sales. (We are not limited to just one company, we can work with any real estate company as long as they have a great sales record). Once we have found a top agent that agrees to our referral fee, or one of our many top companies that we have an established relationship with, we will email them our referral agreement for the Broker to sign. Their Broker will typically send the executed agreement back within 24 business hours. Once we receive the executed agreement, we'll email the assigned Agent over all of your referrals contact info to make contact. You will receive an email from us that we have an executed agreement with all of the contact information on the assigned agent for your records. We can work with your agents too, just as long as they are ok with our referral fee.
Step 3.
We'll follow back up with the assigned agent in a few days to make sure they've connected with your referral. We do a follow up with the assigned agent monthly to make sure everything is going smoothly. Once the transaction closes, their broker will pay us the referral fee. We can quickly pay our agents through ACH payment or mail. Referrals are simple!
*If your referrals are online leads or International referrals, we can get these referrals out, but the referral process is different from above. You will make double the referral fee with buyers looking to buy new construction homes in the state that you are licensed in. Email us at with any additional questions on this.
“According to the National Association of Realtors, in any given year, the average person will know 3 to 5 people who plan to move.”
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