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Make Triple the Referral Fee if you have a seller looking to sell their home to an I-Buyer

If you have a seller that is looking to sell their home and prefers to have a quick closing, cash offer, then an instant buyer (I-Buyer) might be just what they are looking for. There are no headaches of listing and showing their homes to potential buyers. Yes, they could usually make more by selling their home on the open market, but the convenience of working with an I-Buyer is very appealing to some sellers. Plus, they pay out great commissions for very little work. Your split with Park Place on these transactions are 75/25%. Below are a few I-Buyer companies that we work with.

Inside home at sunset



Offerpad will pay out a full 3% (of the total purchase price) referral fee if you have a seller that is looking to sell. You can view all of the markets that they are able to make an offer here on their website. If you have a potential seller for them, you would need to talk with your seller to get all of the details and they would also need to provide you with 20 photos of their home. You can then take this data and input yourself as an agent with Park Place Realty Network and all the details here on their website.

Offerpad map 100923



Is another large I-Buyer. They don't pay out as much as Offerpad as they pay a 1% total purchase price referral fee and 3% in some markets. You can submit your referrals to Opendoor here on their website. Opendoor does not publish the markets that they are currently in as it varies. You would want to contact them directly at 888-352-7075 to confirm. 

Other I-Buyer Companies

There are many other I-buyer companies available, but not as large as the listed companies above. You can always do a google search, type in the city, state, and the word I-buyer to see what pulls up. Contact them directly to see if they are paying cash offers to that specific market and also double check that they will pay out a referral fee to active real estate agents for referring them out a potential seller lead. If so, Park Place will split this referral fee with you as a 75/25% split. If you have any additional questions, please email us at or call us at 407-878-0607 x1. 

Learn how to make more on each referral here.


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International Real Estate Referrals

Contact us at: 407-878-0607 or

We are available Monday-Friday, 9am to 5pm, EST. 

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