How to make your own personalized URL for your Park Place website
If you have a Park Place website with us, currently your website is something like This link might be too long for you or perhaps you would like your own name as your website, something easier like You could have this setup and it would automatically go to your Park Place website address. You can easily do this for a low cost, you just need to purchase your own domain name from a website like or something comparable. Below are the steps on how to get your own personalized website address for your Park Place webpage:
Step 1.
Go to to find your domain name. At the top they have a section where you can type in a name to see if it's available. Use whatever name that you would like to use. Remember, the shorter the better. Use a domain name that is easy for your clients to remember.

Step 2.
Purchase the domain name that you are wanting to use. Domain names can be purchased for as little as $2.99 a year on godaddy. Domain names that are very popular can cost more or might not be available.
Step 3.
Once you have purchased the domain name you would then have to redirect this new domain name to your Park Place website address. You will have your own personal online system set-up with This is where you can redirect your new domain name to your Park Place website address. If you have any questions on how to redirect the website through godaddy, contact them directly at 480-505-8877.
Step 4.
You're ready to go! Now when someone types in the URL that you purchased from godaddy, it will automatically link to your Park Place website. This new address might be easier for you to give out to family or friends and also help to market yourself online.