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How to market yourself with your personal Facebook page

If you are going to use any of the guides, this is the one you should use consistently. 

Facebook is the top social media platform. Yes, there are many other social media pages out there, but you should always have Facebook as your top choice. Facebook currently has over 3 billion users worldwide. If you do not have Facebook, get it, you will be surprised at how many friends and family of yours are on Facebook. It is free to use, and a great way to stir up some referral real estate business as long as you do it right. Below is how you can get real estate referral business on Facebook, follow the steps below:

Step 1. Start a Facebook account.

If you do not have a Facebook account, get one. You can set up your account here. Once you have your profile set up, start finding all of your friends and family on Facebook. There are many guides that you can find on that can help you if you need assistance on starting your account with Facebook. 

If you do not want to use your personal Facebook page, you can build a Facebook business page that way personal and business is separate. Here's a great blog on how to build a Facebook business page. Also, here is an example of what your Facebook Park Place business page should look like, you can copy this page or make it your own.  

*Business pages do get a lower response rate compared to a personal profile. Facebook wants you to pay to play as a "business". 

Step 2. Copy and paste our Facebook content to your page. 

If you have not 'Liked' our Facebook page, you can 'Like' it here or below. All of the content that we put on this page gets a very good response rate, especially for being a "business page" and not a personal profile. 

Once you have 'Liked' our page, copy our content and post this content to your personal Facebook profile for your friends and family to see. You should post this content to your page between 1-3 times per week to keep your contacts engaged. To copy our content, you can click the "share" button on one of our posts to post to your page.

Once you share this content with your friends & family on a steady basis they will understand you are in the real estate business. The content that you are posting to them is not intrusive and they will start to see you as a real estate authority. People like good free information and don't like to be bombarded on a daily basis with pushy sales material. The content we have on our page is of beautiful homes or short to the point articles of the current real estate market. 


Below is our Facebook page where you can 'Like' from here or you could also copy the content. Scroll below this for step 3.

Remember to always be consistent with your posts! 

Step 3. Post about yourself and what you do. 

The posts above are things to keep your friends and family interested and keep them knowing you are in real estate. The posts here in step 3 are about what you do as an agent at Park Place and how you can help them. Remember you are a real estate referral agent and you can help any of your friends and family who are looking to buy or sell real estate anywhere in the world, not just a small local market. You should be the first contact they make in their real estate venture. 


The main thing you can help them with is how the process works and who they need to talk to as we are able to set them up with the top real estate agent in their market. Most buyers don't know it costs them nearly nothing if anything at all to work with a real estate agent, as the buyer's agent gets paid from the seller not the buyer. In order for a seller to sell for top dollar and fast, they need to be working with the best agent in their market, not an agent that they found from a friend of a friend. This is what we specialize in, networking the best agents with the right prospects as we have the right data to find the top agents. 


Below are several posts. Copy the image and save it to your computer. The same goes for the content, copy and then paste this content into your personal Facebook profile page and add the image that you saved into your computer. Be sure to type in your personal website page (If you don't have your own website page yet, click here to set it up). Only post these posts into your Facebook once every 1-2 weeks. 


Remember to always be consistent with your posts!

*Below are several images that were made by our graphic designer that you can use for your Facebook page to market to your friends and family. Save these images in your computer by simply right clicking on them and hitting save. Then, add these images to your Facebook profile by following the instructions above. 

FB image for agents 1
FB image for agents 2
FB image for agents 3
FB image for agents 4
FB image for agents 5
  • When adding the images above, you will also need to write in some text with your post. Below are a few examples that you can copy. These are just examples, feel free to write in what you would like. 

-Friends & Family, if you are looking to make a real estate purchase or sell anywhere in the world, please contact me so I can help you. I am an active agent with a real estate company that sets people up with the best real estate agents in their market at no cost. Go to my website (input your website site address here) to get all of the details. Let me know if you have any questions.

-If you are in the process of making a Real Estate purchase or sale anywhere in the world, contact me. I can make sure that you are in the right hands. Go to my website for more details: (input your website address here)

-Please contact me if you are in the process of buying or selling Real Estate, I can help! Go to my website for more details: (input your website address here)

-Did you know there are over 1 million Real Estate agents in the United States? It's very difficult to find the right one who can truly help you. Contact me and I can make sure you are in the right hands! Go to my website for more details: (input website address here)

-Let me know if you are about to buy or sell Real Estate anywhere, I can make sure that you are working with a top agent who can help you save money! Go to my website for more details: (input website address here)

*You can also purchase facebook ads to help with your campaign.

If you have any questions or concerns, please send us an email to

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