Question: I have an active real estate license in Georgia and I wanted to see how do I go about getting a referral fee by referring out my client to another real estate company in another area in the United States?
Asked by: Greg A.
Expert Reply: Hi Greg, If your license is currently active, then you can legally collect a referral commission. But, it depends on the rules within your real estate company as some companies only allow sales of local real estate. If your current broker does allow it, you would find an agent in the area that you are needing an agent. There is a lot of good information online to find good agents. Make sure that the agent or even better, the agents broker signs a referral agreement contract that discloses the agreed upon referral fee, typically 20-30% of the total gross commission. Once you have the executed referral agreement you can trust to provide the information to the agent to contact your referral. The referral fee will typically be paid after the closing of the sale. If you need a company that can handle all of the research, click on the link below.