Steps to follow in order to earn a commission on new construction:
If you have a buyer who is interested in purchasing new construction in the state that you are licensed, instead of referring your buyer out to a 3rd party real estate company, you can take your buyer directly to the builder and we will handle the rest. You will earn 50% of the total commission as a referral fee versus 22.5% of the total commission if we had to refer it to a 3rd party company. This only works in the state that you are licensed. If you have a buyer looking to buy new construction in another state that you are not licensed in, send us an email and we might still be able to make it work.
Research: If you have a buyer who is interested in new construction, find out their price range and the area that they are looking to purchase. Once you collect this data, go to our search homes page and find the right builder that matches their criteria. Or, build your own new home search website for free with our affiliation (see the bottom of this page). Your buyers can do their own search and let you know which subdivisions they have an interest in right from your new home website.
Registration: If you find a builder that matches your buyers search criteria, contact the builder directly to set up an appointment to meet you and your buyer at the new subdivision. When talking to the builder/builders onsite agent, make sure your name is down as the real estate agent and Park Place Realty Network as the broker representing your buyer before you release any contact information regarding your buyer. If, for some reason, you are not able to meet your client at the subdivision, contact the onsite agent to see if you have to be there. If you are not required, make sure the onsite agent knows you are the active agent for your prospect and set up an appointment time for your buyer to meet the onsite builders agent. Follow up after the meeting to see how it went and if they are moving forward.
**Please Note: Registration is the most important step because, if you don't get yourself registered right from the beginning, it can be hard to prove that you are the buyer's agent and deserving of the real estate commission.
Notify Us: If your client decides to move forward with a builder. Please email us at and send over all of the contact information of the onsite builders agent. We will then follow up with this transaction until it closes and pay you back a 50% referral fee.
Get your Free New Construction Search website here
If you are interested in getting your own website to promote new homes to your prospects, go to and click sign up today at the top right of this page. You can then build your own new home website for free. You can see what your new home website will look like here once it's completed above.
How to build your New Home website:
Once your account is set up, at the top right of this page under your name, click site. Once on this page, fill out all the details that you want on your New Home website. You can add our company logo to your website by downloading our logo here. Once you have filled out everything and added any images or social media links, click save at the bottom right of this page. Scroll back to the top of this page to access your personal new home active website link.
*Make sure you save your new home website link and also the login and password information so you can make any future changes.
If you are having trouble building this page, you will need to reach out to New Home Source here with any questions, or send us an email.
Once you have an active link to your new home website, email us the link to and we can add this link/button to your other Park Place webpage with a whole section dedicated to New Construction at no cost. See what it could look like here. If you do not have a Park Place webpage, you can request one here. You can get information on making a custom URL here.
Webinars to help you get more New Construction referrals
Use the buttons below to see live & recorded webinars on how to use the above New Home Search website. Also, you can get great tips on how to get new construction buyers, all Free as a Park Place Agent. Get 40% off of other real estate related courses through The CE Shop here.